Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Market Your Buiness like Oprah

So here’s the thing, you want to market your business and get results like Oprah but don’t have the time to do it all. Here’s a tip, save time and let others do the work, use word-of-mouth!!

When people say good things about you, it gives you instant credibility. Think about the power of Oprah’s “Favorite Things” show. After being on the show, businesses are immediately jammed with customer orders, so much so that it’s often caused servers to go down, phone overload, and backlog of orders.

While you might not have Oprah recommending your business, you do have satisfied clients that send nice emails, recommend you to others, product reviews, seminar feedback, awards, or perhaps a customer satisfaction rating system. In other words, material for word-of-mouth.

Too often great word-of-mouth is hidden; unbury it by placing it on your home page complete with customer reviews. I’ve used the technique of announcing a sold out seminar with customer feedback and links to pictures. Worked great. You could use the same technique or thank your customers for coming to an event and share their feedback.

Don’t just announce your award, let everyone know why you were chosen, something like “expert panel for fishing chose us as the Number One Online Store for Supplies, here’s what they said!" Include the names of the judges and link to their web site.

The challenge is getting the word-of-mouth out in front of your next customer when they are ready to buy. You won’t be able to keep the sold out sign or award announcement up forever. You can, however, put it in your header with a link, banner, ads, and facebook or linkedin profile with links.

Remember, other people's praise is always better and far more powerful than what you say about yourself.